Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Just Today

Well, I am at work right now, and all I can think about is a new project I am starting.
At Cafepress.com, I have decided to start a shop. What I am going to be trying to sell is shirts, and mugs, and different items, with pictures that I have created, or photoshopped, and I am going to be putting them in my shop to sell. I hope that I make something out of it. I really do.
I have such a need to express myself artistically, its such a passion of mine. I have even thought lately about starting to paint! I have painted a little in the past, nothing major, but I totally loved it. Painting is so awesome because if u mess up, u can just paint over it. I really think I am going to start doing that, and maybe trying to creat something that I can also sell. I really am excited. I want to make my own things with my own style and sell it, I would love to be walking down the street one day and see someone wearing my jewelry, or t-shirt etc. that would such a thrill for me. :)
Well Haelee is in Brazoria. Last night I missed her so much I just wanted to so smell her pillow, lol..I know its crazie, I just love taking care of her and miss her when she is not around. Yes, I loved having the "alone" time by-myself...but at the same time I do get very bored, and i dont want to live my life cleaning my house, so I have to do something else. I just dont have the capital to start all of the things I would love to do.
I have finally kinda started learning Corel PaintShop Pro X2. The possibilities are so endless when u start. There is SOO many things u can do with a picture, and I know I am so boring with what I have done compared to other people. I am hoping that I can learn more eventually at work.
I also want to start making jewlery. I know its not hard.I had a friend that used to make it, and she made alot of adorable pieces..I really want to learn how, I could see it on ebay, or cafepress. I swear, thats all that has been on my m ind for the last 24 hours, is thinking and pondering on how to make things. I just wanna do so many things that last night I had a hard time falling asleep! I wanted to just sit up and think of the things I could do.
Well, Christmas time is slowly approaching. I am so going to have to start buying stuff. I love christmas, but boy can it be expensive! Whew! I have started buying a few things, everytime I see something that I think someone would like it I start making them up. It's going to be interesting..its also going to be so much fun with it being Haelee's first christmas..I hope it goes great. I really can't wait. Seriously!!! Well I think that is all I have to write for today..I need to get back to work! :)

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Weekend...

Well, its already Sunday. It feels like the weekend goes so fast! Friday comes, you think of the things you would like to accomplish, and before you know it, you did everything buy accomplish what you wanted to accomplish. I have had a busy weekend..I went to lunch with Kim on Fri, then took Haelee to get pictures done, then went to kims to hang for a bit. Saturday I went grocery shopping and went over to my moms to do my sisters hair for Homecoming..Whew! Plus taking care of Haelee, and loading her here and there..I feel bad for her sometimes, I feel like shes my little cargo that I tote around everywhere...lol
Haelee took pics in the Halloween Costume. It was too cute. She did a great job, I was so proud of her! The photographer that she had this time was super sweet, and took bunches of pictures from different angles and everything. It was really neat.
Well I dont have too much to say..I think imma go! :)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

My new Blog!

Well as of today, i decided to start a new blog..Hopefully I will write in this one more than the other ones I have had in the past.

Well for those of you that dont know me I am married and have been married for almost 2 years as of this coming march. Seems like longer..lol..(not meaning that in a bad way)

Heres a pic of my husband and I:

This picture was from our engagement pictures. :) Andy and I have been together since March of 2005, and have been strong together ever since. I love him to death, he's a wonderful man and my soulmate. He understands me in alot of ways that most people don't. Him and I have been through alot but we always seems to pull through it. :)

On March 25, 2008 I gave birth to my little princess Haelee..shes is so amazing. I never understood real unconditonal love until I met her, and looked into her eyes. She is the most wonderful gift I have ever been given. I love her more than I can even ever imagine. She is not 6 mos. old and getting more and more personality. She's going through this phase where she is learning how to make different noises, and she is so crazie! She's been making this weird noise when she laughs..its soo funny..sounds like a little lamb. Lol..Andy asks me all the time if her Daddy is really a goat or a lamb. Haha...Here' a picture of Haelee as of now:

Yep, thanks my little love! :) She now can sit up, mostly now with no support, she has gotten 2 teeth, (and I think another one is coming in on top), and she can roll over to her back. Its amazing watching her grow, and explore all the new things that she can do.

I work for a photography comapny creating wedding videos. I am kinda learning also how to take pictures professionally. I am planning on going back to school this spring and taking a photography class, along with a few others. I have been playing with Corel Paintshop Pro X2, (thats what we use at work) and I am really starting to learn alot! Here's some of the pictures that I have edited and added a little artistry to them:

The last picture is a Haelee's pumpkin that my mom got her for Halloween. She took her to a pumpkim patch and took a whole 'slew of pictures. They turned out Adorable. My mom is becoming a pretty good photographer. I think its in the genes..I just wanna learn more techniques.

Well I really don't have much more to say. Oh! I am taking Haelee to get her 1st Halloween pictures done in her Kitty-Kat Costume. She's SOOO cute in it! I can't wait to see em, shes gonna be so cute. Well I will write more tomorrow! tAa-TaA FoR NoW!